About the Quality Assurance Institution
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

The Quality Assurance Institution at UIN Jakarta is expected to play a role in clarifying, fostering, consolidating, accelerating, systematizing, and institutionalizing the quality movement in higher education. Every Higher Education Institution is required to operate according to quality standards. High-quality institutions generally arise from the extraordinary commitment of their leaders, along with faculty, administrative staff, and students. This is a high commitment that is clearly manifested in their vision, mission, goals, strategic plans, standards to be achieved, leadership, organization, resources, and cooperation. To improve its role in the academic and social spheres, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta continuously strives for improvement. Since 2003, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has emphasized the shift from a teaching university to a research university.

Planning and Evaluation

Implementation of planning, program and budget evaluation, and reporting


Implementation of academic quality development


Implementation of audits, monitoring, and assessment of academic quality


Implementation of institutional administration.

About the SIQA Application

The System of Internal Quality Assurance (SIQA) is an innovative application developed by the Quality Assurance Institution of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, aimed at providing services and application-based tools for improving the quality of study programs. This transformation is driven by the demands of best practices in quality assurance, which imply that quality assurance units must exist at the university, faculty, and program levels.

This system is designed to consolidate efforts to align and support UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as a research university. The development map for this application involves providing real-time data that is systematically connected to the applications owned by UIN Jakarta. The data transmitted will be interpreted by SIQA to provide a comprehensive overview of a study program, enabling in-depth analysis.

To provide an assessment of the quality of a study program, the Quality Assurance Institution has developed a questionnaire instrument based on established quality standards. These standards are derived from SN-DIKTI, Minister of Research and Technology Regulation No. 44 of 2015, amended by Minister of Research and Technology Regulation No. 50 of 2018. However, to meet the accreditation requirements of the 9 criteria, the LPM has developed this instrument by integrating the standards created by UIN Jakarta with the 9 accreditation criteria, based on the Higher Education Accreditation Board Regulation No. 4 of 2017.


Study programs accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT)


Application for Internal Auditors of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

SIQA Unit/Faculty

Quality Audit Application for Units and Faculties within UIN Jakarta


Study programs accredited by the Independent Accreditation Board for Health Education (LAMPT-Kes)


Study programs accredited by the Independent Accreditation Board for Education (LAM Kependidikan)

Development Process


Study programs accredited by the Independent Accreditation Board for Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting (LAMEMBA)

Development Process


Study programs accredited by the Independent Accreditation Board for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (LAMSAMA)

Development Process


Independent Accreditation Institution for Informatics and Computer Study Programs (LAMINFOKOM)

Development Process

Why is this application here?

This application is designed to provide ease for leaders to analyze the achievement data of Study Programs, as an effort to enhance the quality and standards of educational programs.

Data Integration

Quality Audit

Analysis and Mission Control